“Board Building” – Articles

Board of Directors Responsibilities (Post Covid)
What should the role of your board of directors be, post Covid? As the Covid crisis begins to ebb, it's likely time for your nonprofit board's role to shift as well. Board of directors responsibilities should switch from survival mode, day-to-day focus, and to how to...

Virtual Board Meetings: 7 Tips to Make Them Actually Work
How to Make Virtual Board Meetings Better When we all went into Covid lockdown last year, I thought I'd really like participating in virtual board meetings. They had the potential to make board meetings more convenient and more accessible for people who travel or...

Recruiting Board Members: Do You Know What To Say?
Do you know what to say when recruiting board members? The scenario: It happens all the time when recruiting board members. You know someone that is respected and has been engaged with your mission for quite some time now. They’ve shown good judgement and that they...

What should nonprofit boards be doing to help (during the pandemic)?
In last week’s blog post, I provided a list of several actions some agencies have taken as a result of COVID-19. As I learn of other creative steps being taken to combat the changes, I will share them with you. For now though, I'd like to share some thoughts on what...

Want a Better Board of Directors?
Start with incredible board members. Having a reliable board of directors is key to a well run agency, and I'm often asked what makes a high-value board member. This question usually comes from a board chair or CEO who has or anticipates having one or more...

Nonprofit Resources: 3 Free Downloads to Make Your Agency Better
Managing nonprofit resources can be one of the most difficult and yet rewarding experiences for a leader. There are numerous demands on your time, and some days the problems and challenges can seem endless. Today I want to help make your life easier, by providing...

Ready for Change: The Role of a Board of Directors
The role of a Board of Directors has remained the same over the years...for the most part. A board sets the direction, raises funds, provides financial and program oversight, and ensures all laws and regulations are followed. However, what has changed is the level of...

Step 1 in Leadership Development: Know Yourself
When we think Leadership Development, we often think of others first... But sometimes we over look a critical element -- knowing ourselves... When I first became the CEO of an organization, I was very excited and confident. I knew what needed to be done and was quite...

Nonprofit Governance: What Is It and Why Does it Matter?
Why are some nonprofit agencies so successful, how do they run so smoothly, and how does the board and staff work so well together? It begins with mutual appreciation and respect for one another, as well as excellent communication within the agency. In addition, the...

Is a Board of Directors Really Important?
Board of Directors Role: What Exactly Should Your Board Be Doing? Throughout my time with nonprofits, I’ve noticed that a board, along with its directors ability to fulfill their roles and responsibilities can be the difference between a high impact agency, a low...

Four Ways Board Training Can Help Your Nonprofit
Why do some boards demonstrate a culture of excellence year after year, while some seem to struggle with getting directors to show up for meetings or to make important decisions? Why do some agencies have a waiting list of board candidates, while others (maybe yours)...

Dealing with Problem Board Members
Leading a board would be so fulfilling, so rewarding, and so cool if it weren’t for those problem board members, right? True confession time: You’ve definitely had these thoughts. I know you have...I’ve had gallons of coffee (and an occasional scone, or two) with so...

What is Nonprofit Governance and Why Does it Matter?
Have you ever wondered why some nonprofit agencies are so successful, why they run so smoothly, or why the board and staff members work so well together? It could be due to everyone liking and respecting each other. It could also be due to everyone having a lot of...

5 Reasons Why Board Training is Critical to Nonprofit Success
Why is it some boards demonstrate a culture of excellence year after year while some seem to struggle just to get a majority of directors to show up for meetings or to make important decisions? Why do some nonprofits seem to show up everywhere in your community while...

5 Reasons Why You Need a Board of Directors (Besides the Obvious)
More often than not, I can tell when an executive director is preparing for a board meeting. He or she is usually a little on edge and short on patience. The team may be a bit "amped up" with people running around creating reports, copying documents, preparing talking...

10 Ways to Deal With Difficult People in Your Nonprofit
On the surface, leading a nonprofit might look like a piece of cake. You assemble a group of people passionate about the mission, point them in the right direction and get out of their way. For the most part, there are no ego problems, no hidden agendas, and no one...

Better Board Meetings: 5 Questions to Better Engage Your Board Members
Who likes nonprofit board meetings? Please raise your hands... Board members often have a full-time job. They put in a long day, then skip dinner with the family so they can have cold pizza and room temperature soda, gathered around a conference table. You and your...

5 Things Every Board Member Wishes You New
Whether you are a board chair or an executive director, leading a nonprofit is a special calling. It’s exciting, unnerving, challenging, and fulfilling. It’s a role most of us wouldn’t give up for anything… We've all been there. You find yourself sitting at the head...
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