Welcome to my new website. It was built with the nonprofit leader–both executive director and board member–in mind. My purpose is to provide you with the latest information on critical issues nonprofits face and offer solutions to the problems you as a leader face everyday. Please check out the articles and other material here and let me know how you like it. I hope you find it informative and useful.
Also, I am excited to announce today the release of my book, Break Through the Ick Factors of Nonprofit Leadership. This book tells the story of how a struggling and overworked nonprofit leader overcomes several problems and takes her organization to its next level. But it is also written so serve as a training book and a reference book.
Leaders and directors will find the book organized in a way that helps them understand why certain problems exist and how to solve them.
I wrote this book because in my work and volunteer experience with nonprofits I have seen organizations struggle with several common problems and I wanted to provide easy and effective ways to solve these problems. Leaders and directors want to focus on making a greater impact and improving their communities. This book, and all its tools and resources, does just that.
I hope you enjoy reading the book and take away a lot of good ideas to help your organization thrive.