Now that we are well into 2011, it is a good time to assess progress on those priorities you set in your 2011 plan. First, are the “main things” you identified last fall still your “main things” or do you need to re-assess your key initiatives?

And perhaps more importantly, are you treating them like they still are your “main things”? Are you allocating your time and the organization’s money appropriately? A quick way to check this out is to review your appointments calendar for the first quarter. Have you personally given adequate time to your key initiatives, or to staff and volunteers who are leading them?

And how about your expenses? Are first quarter expenses going to your key initiatives or are some of them off track?

If you find there is a serious gap between your organization’s priorities and how you spent your time and the organization’s money, there is still time to recover and get on track. You might want to switch to a weekly self-assessment of your calendar and expense statement. This will help you stay dialed-in on your priorities, help avoid unpleasant surprises, and help you address those “main things” you already decided must get done this year.