If you’ve struggled to increase board meeting attendance, raise the energy level in your meetings, develop a clearer focus on your mission, or instill a fiery passion back into your boardroom, I have an answer. It is quite simple, costs nothing, and you can do it at your next board meeting.

What is it? Put your clients back in the boardroom…not literally but figuratively.

I served on a particular social service nonprofit board for six years and during the last 12 months or so, our executive director started each meeting by reading a letter (anonymously) we received written by someone who had benefitted from the services we provided. Those letters typically described how the client came to need our help and how our services helped them get back on their feet.

As you can imagine, those letters were heartfelt, thankful, and passionate…and powerful. This simple practice reminded us why we stepped onto that board in the first place and what our real business was…helping the under resourced.

You may also want to read these letters at staff meetings, volunteer gatherings, and when speaking with donors. 

Are your board meetings getting mechanical, dispassionate, dry, or routine, try this and watch your directors step up and refocus.

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