by Tom Okarma | Aug 14, 2012 | Blog, Board Development, Leadership
One of a leader’s most important responsibilities to the organization and its staff is the development of subordinates. How do you handle this? Do you give others a chance to grow, to work on something a bit above their pay grade, to struggle with a complex...
by Tom Okarma | Mar 1, 2011 | Blog, Board Development, Leadership
When nonprofit agencies think about risk management and protecting themselves, they usually think in terms of someone slipping and falling, auto accidents, insurance, etc. But they fail to address what may be their most critical off-balance sheet asset-their...
by Tom Okarma | Feb 8, 2011 | Blog, Board Development, Leadership, Strategic Planning
Remember early in your career, just before it really took off, and before you had made a name for yourself? You probably were in some lower-level position just doing what you were told as best you could, and trying hard to be a good team player. Then, one day your...
by Tom Okarma | Jan 6, 2011 | Blog, Leadership
It is pretty obvious, but still bears mentioning, how important it is to recognize and celebrate your employees’ desired behavior whenever you see it demonstrated, and then, to reward it appropriately and publicly. The rewards don’t have to be expensive,...
by Tom Okarma | Oct 21, 2010 | Blog, Leadership
These are tough times for a lot of people. Some are out of work; those with jobs fear for them; in business, clients are very demanding and have little tolerance for problems or excuses. In the nonprofit world, you probably are seeing record numbers of clients...