Are You the Sage on Stage?

Are You the Sage on Stage?

One of a leader’s most important responsibilities to the organization and its staff is the development of subordinates. How do you handle this? Do you give others a chance to grow, to work on something a bit above their pay grade, to struggle with a complex...
Form Follows Function

Form Follows Function

Working with a nonprofit recently, I asked to see a copy of its organization chart-you know, the chart depicting how things are organized. As soon as I saw it, I became leery. The chart listed the names of people, rather than the departments they lead. This is often a...
Just in Time Recognition

Just in Time Recognition

It is pretty obvious, but still bears mentioning, how important it is to recognize and celebrate your employees’ desired behavior whenever you see it demonstrated, and then, to reward it appropriately and publicly. The rewards don’t have to be expensive,...
Employee Recognition

Employee Recognition

Things are pretty tough out there, whether you are leading a nonprofit or a for-profit business. And, it is important to recognize that our employees are working hard to do the most, and their absolute best,  with the very least. The pressure on them is enormous. And,...